
Several optical lenses ground in different ways

Desiccants protect optical lenses from glass corrosion

Suppliers of precision optics manufacture individual items or product series exactly according to their customers' specifications. The lenses, prisms and filters must be of the highest quality and absolutely flawless. This also applies to the storage and shipping of the sensitive products. Read here how a manufacturer of precision optical lenses for measurement, laser and aerospace technology protects its products from moisture damage during interim storage.

Containerschiff im Eismeer

SeaDry desiccants also work in the Arctic Zone

We regularly put our products through their paces. This way you can always be sure that you are not getting empty promises, but the best possible quality. One requirement of the German Armed Forces, where our SeaDry container desiccants are listed, was that they must remain effective even at extreme minus temperatures. See the test result on the following page.

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